With the recording of the White album beginning to take shape, John and Yoko went to remain there as guests of Paul and his then companion Francie Schwartz. Schwartz later recalled that John had appeared quite upset one morning having found a letter that simply read
“You and your Jap tart think you’re hot shit.”
John was even more hurt when he discovered that the author of this piece was Paul. Lennon was said to have given McCartney a look that said “Do I know you?”. Their stay here was very brief. From here John and Yoko spent a few nights at a flat owned by Peter Brown (Apple Executive Director) and then about a week with Neil Aspinall.
“You and your Jap tart think you’re hot shit.”
John was even more hurt when he discovered that the author of this piece was Paul. Lennon was said to have given McCartney a look that said “Do I know you?”. Their stay here was very brief. From here John and Yoko spent a few nights at a flat owned by Peter Brown (Apple Executive Director) and then about a week with Neil Aspinall.
4 comentarios:
Es cosa de mirar la cara con la que el mino sale en la foto xD
es como "estos hippies culiaos"
Sir Paul seco!
sale exquiflafli no me importa que sea homosexual reprimido jajajja
Y los otros 2 tuvieron que mendigar casa jejeje que buena.
Que hayan vivido como hippies verdaderos alguna vez.
PD: Ringo!
Por descarte, era el unico de tus blogs en el que podia postear xD
como ya es tarde, no me funciono bien el diccionario de ingles ,asi que caché poco :P pero algo entendi sobre un enojo entre lennon y macca. Éstos vivían peleando, parecian matrimonio xD
en fin, cuidese pueh!
no voy porque no quiera, sino por falta de platita :P en todo caso tambien habria ido a la mas barata o quizas algo mas (un evento demasiado magnifico).
Pero en vez de ahogar las penas en un bar, las ahogo bajandome el disco xD
diez lucas por estar en una ubicacion en donde con suerte se ve el escenario? eso es un pequeño robo.
bueno, ya pasara el tiempo rapido, saldra en DVD, lo venderan en la calle y esperare a alguien que lo compre para asi yo piratearlo en un DVD virgen (tambien regalado), jajajajaja.
cuidate harto!
(hay un blog tuyo que requiere permiso para entrar: pido permiso)
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